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About the mod

Hello! My name is Ash and this the 3rd account that I'm an admin on (the other two are @maddoftheday and @katanauserotd)
My pronouns are they/them +
I'm nonbinary, reshiramgender, aroace and a minor

Info about the account

This is an account dedicated to posting at least 1 LGBTQ+ flag color-picked from a fictional character
I'll be posting both the flags I decided to make by myself and the ones requested
Be prepared to see a lot of flags color-picked from Pokemon

Do not interact if (you)

are a proshipper, TERF, basic DNI criteria, are an/support mspec lesbians, anti-neos/anti-xenogenders

you are free to follow as an NSFW account - just keep in mind to not make any NSFW comments under my posts and don't interact with me in such a way

Requests info

I may be a bit strict when it comes to requests, so make sure you don't miss anything

I accept requests for LGBTQ+ flags color-picked from fictional characters
The character can't be in a realistic style, they need to be in a cartoon style
Every piece of media is accepted as long as the characters are made in a cartoon style

Types of requests I will be accepting:
1. A specific flag color-picked from a specific character
2. A specific flag color-picked from a character I choose myself
3. A flag I choose myself color-picked from a specific character

Requests containing a specific flag, without a specific character BUT with a specific theme for example will also be accepted - I will be choosing the character myself, but my options will be limited in order to fit the theme
An example of this type of request would be something along the lines of "I would like to request a nonbinary flag color-picked from a legendary Pokemon"

If you request a character that is seen wearing at least 2 different ourfits, send me a picture of said character in an outfit you want me to color-pick from

All requested flags will be posted on the account, unless you specify that you don't want me to post it
If you are sending a request through a DM, specify whether you want to stay anonymous or not

I accept requests through my CC and DMs
Keep in mind however, that the previous two points don't matter at all when you send a request through CC
Every request made via my Curious Cat will be posted as "requested by anon", no matter what

Before you give me a request, make sure that what you want to request wasn't posted already

Flags banned from my account

This is a list of flags that are banned on my account
What does that mean? I won't accept ANY requests that include those flags

1. Flags that are problematic (for example listerine and lipstick lesbian)
2. Flags that cause a lot of discourse (for example toothpaste)
3. Flags that are straight up harmful (for example any mspec lesbian flags and superstraight)
4. Flags made in order to mock the LGBTQ+ community (for example semi-bisexual and animesexual)
5. Heterosexual, heteroromantic and cis flags
6. Ped0phil3 "flags", etc. (these are also straight up harmful)

Already posted flags
